Hacking Education

Philosophy lives in dialogue. Our networked world offers many free and open ways of enagaging in dialogue. Networked doesn’t have to mean free, of course, as we all know in the age of monetized data streams. But some minor coding skills and a willingness to poke around under the digital hood can help keep it free and open for us all. That’s what you’ll see in my work past, present and future - open source!

Recent work:


  • [1996] PhD: Philosophy, Penn State University. Scholarly work on Hegel, philosophy and psychoanalysis.
  • [1992-93] Fullbright Fellowship, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • [1990] MA: Philosophy, Loyola University of Chicago, history of philosophy
  • [1986] BFA: Sculpture, Pratt Insitute, Brooklyn, NY
  • [1982] Diploma: Industrial Design, Brooklyn Technical High School


  • General Education course: Science or Supertition, Mind and Machine, Environmental Ethics, Perspectives on Religion
  • Philosophy Major courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, Applied Ethics, Modern Philosophy, Symbolic Logic
  • TEFL Certified: The TEFL Academy, 168 hour combined course, completed November 2019.

Technical Skills:

  • Wordpress: build and mantain complex blogs that function as textbooks, and student writing platform. Custom CSS, video, html slideshow, article embeds, twitter widget for current topical news, student commentary.
  • web design: comfortable with many styles of web design from writing html and css and some javascript from scratch, to using static site generators such as Hugo and bookdown.
  • desktop publishing: LaTeX, html books, slideshows, markdown
  • R Studio desktop publishing and code editor
  • linux: installation and maintainace of linux OS and Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) for all personal and professional computing work.

Other Skills:

  • organic gardening and homesteading skills
  • moderate level technical rock climber
  • lower intermediate level Japanese
  • functional Slovene, Spanish and German